Transdura Abrasion/Cut & Gouge

TRANSDURA Anti Abrasive and Cut & Gouge Resistant Covers sets benchmarks in the industry. No matter which application is required, Sempertrans offers the optimal cover meeting wear and tear requirements for every type of material without losing focus on the need to be economical and the total cost of ownership.

Types of Transdura

Cover Grades X+ Exceeding Standards Outperforms the standard values. Made especially for hard rock mining and heavy duty installations, this compound ensures extra service life and protection for your belts.

D50 The hard rock cover Especially designed for the specific requirements of hard rock mining. It is the perfect fit for highly abrasive ores. It provides high cut & gouge resistance with a very low abrasion, maximising the lifetime of your belts.

D30 The iron cover Sempertrans' newly developed cover with rock bottom abrasion values has been especially designed for the transportation of small sized but highly abrasive materials such as iron ore.

Alliance Conveyor | Transdura Abrasion/Cut & Gouge

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